Summer squash has arrived in abundance. We're growing a smaller variety this year and cooking them whole, with blossoms attached, lightly breaded and grilled. One of our members suggested the blossoms stuffed with Chevre. Also ready this week - swiss chard, broccoli rappi, lots of lettuce, carrots, some arugula, a bit of bok choi, scallions, and herbs.
String Beans are beginning to flower too, which means we may have some next week, and the peppers and tomatoes are coming along nicely. More Chinese Cabbage will be ready next week just in time for the end of the first bok choi crop.
On the production end, we spent much of the weekend seeding cover crops, weeding and tilling - thanks to Dave Pitcher for getting the tiller back in operation. We also planted new rotations of some crops and find it hard to believe that it is already too late in the season to get certain crops in so they'll be ready before the first frost. Our trusty spring is allowing us to irrigate daily, which has made an enormous difference in the productivity of the garden.
Please let us know if you are away for the week, and if someone else will be picking up for you.
Nick and Linda